Category: Love

Growing Love

It has been awhile since my last post. I hope you understand. But this has not stopped my reading and researching into healing my insincerities and anxieties.  Numerous life coaches have said you have to believe in yourself and love yourself. To do this they recommend saying “I’m beautiful.”, “I am loved.” “I love.” “I’m […]

Love Yourself

LOVE yourself! We have all heard that numerous times. But let’s think about it, it makes sense. We have heard much advice on how to do this and I’m not a doctor or licensed medical professional, but I have gathered some of their advice. And here are some of my thoughts. The best way to […]

Love’s Definition

What is your definition of LOVE? The word gurus at Webster’s New World Dictionary says the meaning of LOVE is:  n. 1 strong affection or liking for someone or something 2 a passionate affection of one person for another 3 the object of such affection; a sweetheart or lover 4 Tennis a score of zero. […]

About Doors to Love

Everyone is exploring and searching for LOVE. Lucky are the ones that find a loving, honest and respectful relationship. Their door to Love is wide open. But unfortunately, for most of us throughout this Love search, we have very bad experiences. These experiences slammed our door shut on Love. Some of us have internalized bad […]